Declarative Knowledge - LELB Society

Declarative knowledge is the same as explicit or , whereas is the same is implicit or .
Internalised rules and memorised of the language constitute the ‘what’ of the learner’s system or declarative knowledge (, 1987).
  1. (1994): “Declarative rules can have top-down influences on perception, in particular by making relevant features salient, thus enabling learners to notice them and to notice the gap between the input and their existing ” (p. 16).
The transition of declarative to procedural knowledge takes place in three stages (Ellis, 2008):
  • In the declarative stage, information is stored as facts for which there is no ready-made activation procedure.
  • In the , because it is difficult to use declarative knowledge, the learner tries to sort the information into more efficient production sets by means of ‘composition’ (collapsing several discrete productions into one), and ‘’ (applying a general rule to a particular instance). Anderson (1983) notes that errors are particularly likely during the associative stage.
  • In the , in which procedures become increasingly automated, the mind continues both to generalise productions and also to discriminate more narrowly the occasions when specific productions can be used.
According to Schmitt (2002), some theories suggest that language, like other skilled activity, is first acquired through intentional learning of what is called ‘declarative knowledge’ and that, through , the declarative knowledge can become ‘procedural knowledge’.

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