1100 Words You Need to Know Week 37 Day 3 1100 Words You Need to Know Week 37 Day 3 New Words motivate – rationalize – therapy – nascent – iconoclast Words in Context The Mind’s Secrets The study of the human mind and behavior has had many prominent practitioners, but no one is more revered* than Sigmund Freud . An Austrian physician , he is said to be the father of psychoanalysis . He taught that man has a subconscious mind in which he keeps repugnant * memories that come to the surface surreptitiously* and motivate behavior. Man often tries to rationalize his actions, when, in reality , they are really the result of suppressed memories coming to the surface. Freud’s approach to the disturbed person was to attempt therapy by examining the dreams that make cognizant * what the cause of the illness might be. Only with the airing of delet...