
Showing posts from July, 2017

1100 Words, Week 18, Day 2 - LELB Society

1100 Words, Week 18, Day 2 1100 Words, Week 18, Day 2   New Words veneer – myriad – urbane – crave – irrelevant   Words in Context Chimpanzees Are Surprisingly Smart Washoe, the chimpanzee, has more than a veneer of intelligence; she can signal her desire to eat, go in or out, be covered, or brush her teeth. In addition, she can make signs for “I’m sorry,” “I hurt,” “Hurry,” ”Give me,” and a myriad of other terms that are familiar to young children. This urbane animal can indicate that she craves more dessert by putting her fingers together (“more”) and then placing her index and second fingers on top of her tongue (“sweet”). It is irrelevant that Washoe cannot actually talk. What is important, however, is the consummate* ease with which she has mastered her daily assignments.   Sample Sentences Use the new words in the following sentences. 1. Why did Silas Marner   crave   wealth and practice cupidity*? 2. Once the hoax had been concocted*, ...

Input Processing Theory - LELB Society

Input Processing Theory Input Processing   Theory VanPatten ’s (1996) Input Processing   Theory   is based on the standard   information processing   viewpoint. Namely,   working memory   is limited in capacity (at least in terms of each modality), making it difficult for learners to attend concurrently to different stimuli in the input. He identified ‘detection’ as the key attentional process, noting that detecting one   bit of information   can interfere with the detection of others by consuming available resources in   working memory . Thus, for VanPatten, the main issue is how learners allocate attentional resources during online processing and in particular what causes them to   detect   certain stimuli in the input and not others.  Input Processing Hypothesis deals with how learners   comprehend   utterances and, particularly, how they assign form-meaning relationships (Gass & Selinker, 2008). ...

1100 Words You Need to Know, Week 18, Day 1 - LELB Society


University Education | An IELTS Essay Sample - LELB Society

University Education | An IELTS Essay Sample University Education | An IELTS Essay Sample  Topic : Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs . Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.  The Essay Written by LELB Students Education is the sign of improvement of every country. By education specially academic education , people can gain a specific skill and lots of knowledge to achieve the specialty required in their jobs. The widespread university graduates in a society can upgrade the scientific level of that society which can bring lots of facilities and welfare for people. To put it in nut shell, education and being skilled and adroit in jobs have mutual effects on each other so that there is no substitution for them. It is probably true to say that most of the people believe that a university degr...

Spare Time | An IELTS Essay Sample - LELB Society

Spare Time | An IELTS Essay Sample Spare Time | An IELTS Essay Sample  Topic : Some people think that children’s spare time must include educational activities otherwise they will waste their time. W hat is your opinion?  The Essay Written by LELB Students Although some parents believe that their children should attend to the educational activities in their free time, I personally prefer that my children’s free time must include more funny and interesting activities such as learning to play an instrument or even doing some physical exercises. I am inclined to believe that parents should pay more attention to the future of their children’s life. From my point of view, if we anticipate our children to become successful persons in their life, there is a lot of things to experience. Otherwise, we cannot estimate our children’s abilities in a right way. It is true that injecting some educational activities in children’s free time would be beneficial....

Deforestation | An IELTS Essay Sample - LELB Society

Deforestation | An IELTS Essay Sample Deforestation | An IELTS Essay Sample  Topic : Logging the trees of the rain forests is a serious problem and it may lead to the extinction of animal and human life. To what extent do you agree with the intensity of this menace?  The Essay Written by LELB Students In today’s world, most people are not apprehensive about what is happening to the trees and this is a regrettable issue. In my opinion, the government should concern in the representative samples of environmental impacts instead of focusing on protect natural areas and people should stop cutting trees down in rain forest . Undoubtedly , the problem of logging rainforest is caused by human action. To be more specific, trees are cut down in the forest by people for their merits. For instance, a paper company should cut trees for their production to make paper and book. Nowadays, the destruction of rain forests has proliferating worldwide. I personally bel...

Childhood Obesity | An IELTS Essay Sample - LELB Society

Childhood Obesity | An IELTS Essay Sample Childhood Obesity | An IELTS Essay Sample  Topic : The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend .  The Essay Written by LELB Students Nowadays, in the west, the level of children’s obesity has been raised by 20% which has become a serious problem. So, this essay is going to cast light on the reasons and consequences of this change in children. To begin with, many reasons have lain behind the extra weight of children. First and foremost, children play outdoor games much less than the past owing to the prevalence of video games. Although some believe computer games could help children to fortify their spatial skills, they make children overweight. Moreover, parents want to keep their children under their control strongly in order to save them from any danger and as a result, they do no encour...

Balanced Diet | An IELTS Essay Sample - LELB Society

Balanced Diet | An IELTS Essay Sample Balanced Diet | An IELTS Essay Sample  Topic : Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy life. To what extent do you agree?  The Essay Written by LELB Students A balanced diet is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle . I do agree with this perspective though it is controversial . There is a nice saying “you are what you eat”. It is really crucial to have a good nutrition. In fact, humans’ bodies need various materials and substances to be well-nourished. For instance, different vitamins and minerals could be found in fruits and such healthy foods. Moreover, some junk foods and greasy foods could bring about enormous diseases or cancers. To exemplify , feeding on fried foods would clog the vessels which is really dangerous and could cause cardiovascular diseases in the long run.  To see the evaluated version of this essay, click here .   Check out the archive of our es...

Processed Foods | An IELTS Essay Sample - LELB Society

Processed Foods | An IELTS Essay Sample Processed Foods | An IELTS Essay Sample  Topic : Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in the production and preservation of processed foods outweigh the advantages?  The Essay Written by LELB Students Most foods that are purchased these days in small stores and supermarkets have chemicals in them as these are used to improve production and ensure the food lasts for longer. However, there are concerns that these have harmful effects. I am inclined to believe that, the potential dangers from this are greater than the benefits we receive. There are several justifications why chemicals are placed in food. First of all, it is to improve the product to the eye, and this is achieved via the use of colorings which encourage people to purchase food that may otherwise not look tempting to eat. Another reason is to preserve the food. Most of the foods we eat would not actually last that long if it were not fo...

Infants’ Language Learning | TESL Issues - LELB Society

Infants’ Language Learning | TESL Issues Infants’ Language Learning | TESL Issues All normal children appear to contain within themselves the ability to create a language in spite of wide variations in experience. External auditory simulation is available to the fetus, although attenuated (Armitage, Baldwin & Vince, 1980, p. 1173). Mother’s voice is a prominent sound in the amniotic environment, experience with sounds begin prior to birth (Fifer & Moon, 1989, p. 175). Newborns appear to distinguish speech from birth, and to be drawn to language, showing a preference for speech and voice or song over other stimuli (e.g. instrumental music) and prefer to listen to words over other sounds (Colombo & Bundy, 1983). For infants five to fifteen weeks old, speech sounds act as reinforcing stimulation (Trehub & Chang, 1977). A newborn younger than three days can not only discriminate its mother’s voice but also will work to produce her voice in preference to ...